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FeedConstruct partners with Ukrainian soccer referees body
The three-season deal with UAF Referees Committee implies branding all referee kits for matches S ports data provider FeedConstruct has secured an agreement...
Three-quarters of Metro police employees earn six figures, records show
The median salary and benefits for the agency was $134,845 in 2022, public records show. Original article:
LETTER: The march of political correctness
We’ve allowed it to flourish and now live in a soft tyranny. Original article:
States struggle to find Colorado River cuts as Lake Mead shrinks
Two competing proposals to achieve federally mandated cuts to Colorado River water use are on the table, but agreement between states has remained elusive. Original article:
Divers tally world’s rarest fish in Death Valley
Estimates place the fish’s numbers below what they were in the fall, but scientists are soothed by how many young fish they saw. Original article: