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LETTER: Democrat court-packing scheme would backfire
Remember how Harry Reid’s filibuster maneuver blew up in their faces? Original article:
Letter from the Editor: The city we carry with us
Introducing the Fall 2022 issue of rjmagazine, a dispatch from the creative crossroads … Original article:
COMMENTARY: Time to defuse public pension time bomb
Yet politicians would rather not act. Original article:
Money for fighting wildfires, recycling water in Senate infrastructure bill
A $1.5 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill being hammered out in the Senate includes funding for Nevada needs such as preventing wildfires, expanding broadband access, water recycling and...
Escalating winds, cooler temperatures forecast for Las Vegas weekend
Rain showers or thunderstorms are a 20 percent possibility Thursday in the Las Vegas Valley, says the National Weather Service. Original article: