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Keep water use in mind when planning your landscape
When replacing plants, remember that the number and size of living plants determines your landscape water use and is reflected in your water bill. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-columns/bob-morris/keep-water-use-in-mind-when-planning-your-landscape-3103171/
LETTER: Death penalty drug controversy
Why not use what they use to euthanize the elderly where that’s legal? Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-death-penalty-drug-controversy-2501588/
CARTOON: Biden, McConnell have this horrifying thing in common
Seeking more transparency. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/michael-ramirez/cartoon-biden-mcconnell-have-this-horrifying-thing-in-common-2898589/
A’s owner tells Oakland fans he’s ‘genuinely sorry’ ahead of final Coliseum games
On the eve of the start of the Oakland Athletics’ final home series at the Coliseum, team owner, John Fisher, penned a letter to fans in the...
LETTER: Democratic demagoguery on terror bill
Much ado about nothing. Be careful to examine Democratic rhetoric for demagoguery. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-democratic-demagoguery-on-terror-bill-3218767/