Cantwell takes on the role having served as chief of staff for Australia’s Minister for Families and Social Services between September 2017 and June 2022.

Prior to this, he spent over six-and-a-half years with the Department of Social Services, first as a director and later state manager for New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory.

Earlier in his career, Cantwell was a program manager at the Department of Human Services and also had a spell as tournament director for the Australian Poker League.

RWA is an independent body for Australia’s licensed online betting industry, promoting socially responsible wagering and advocating for increased standards in the sector.

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to work with RWA members, sporting and racing bodies, and governments of all levels to ensure we continue to get the balance right between protections, regulation and freedoms,” Cantwell said.

“As we further boost research, data and insights capability, I look forward to leading RWA to further understand problem gambling behaviour and target effective measures.”

Responsible Wagering Australia chairman Nick Minchin added: “With his wealth of leadership experience, Mr Cantwell is uniquely positioned to lead RWA and present a confident and united voice on behalf of its members.

“His deep understanding of social policy, sports, wagering and government position him perfectly to lead RWA and its members as we continue to promote socially responsible wagering and advocate for the highest standards in the sector.” 

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