The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) said it has decided to cancel the authorisation issued to Rush Gaming with immediate effect. Rush Gaming operates both the and websites.

MGA did not disclose an explanation as to why Rush Gaming has had its licence cancelled. When announcing the suspension in January, the MGA stated that licences can be suspended if operators breach gambling-specific regulations or laws in Malta.

Rush Gaming has been ordered to notify all players of the cancellation and settle all outstanding fees. The MGA confirmed it can appeal the decision.

Rush Gaming’s B2C gaming licence covers several gambling activities. These include casino, controlled skill games and fixed-odds offerings such as live betting.

Malta clamps down on licensees

MGA had a busy start to the year with online gambling operator Super7Plus becoming the fifth business in two weeks to have its licence cancelled in January.

The start of the year also saw Charles Mizzi take over as CEO. Mizzi replaced Carl Brincat, who stepped down after two years at the helm.

Mizzi joined the MGA from Residency Malta Agency, where he served as its CEO for five years. He also held other senior roles during his career including head of the image and communications unit at BNF Bank.

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