ndependent developer and distributor of casino table games and technology, Galaxy Gaming, announced Wednesday the acquisition of the rights to the game portfolio of High Variance Games, including Super Blackjack, Super Texas Hold’em, Super Pai Gow, Three Card Stud Triple Draw and Super Omaha Poker.
President and CEO of High Variance Games, Jeff Hwang, spoke in an official press release about the sale.
“Galaxy Gaming has the distribution network I was looking for in a partner and an impressive, forward-thinking management team.I see an organization with a ton of upside”.
Director of Product Development for Galaxy Gaming, Steve Cvetkoski, said “with our focus on innovative, omnichannel content, Jeff’s games are a natural fit. They’re unique, exciting games that add to the breadth of our portfolio”, he noted.
“Super Blackjack and Super Texas Hold’em, in particular, really heighten the most exciting parts of blackjack and poker by offering unique mechanisms, multiple betting rounds, and opportunities to raise. Players can gamble and be aggressive, but with a house edge that will keep them in action longer. That’s the case with all of these games and a big reason why we’re so excited to get them into the land-based and digital spaces quickly. We expect high action while maximizing a player’s ‘time on device’ – certainly a real win-win for both players and operators”, he added.
“We’re are thrilled to work with Jeff Hwang to add these new titles to our content portfolio and Prime Membership catalog,” stated Todd Cravens, Galaxy Gaming’s President and CEO. “What excites us about these new games is that we believe they will resonate with casino players and add even more diversity and strength to our catalog of world-famous titles”, he concluded.
Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international//noticias/2021/08/05/58685-galaxy-gaming-acquires-rights-to-high-variance-games-portfolio