After the introduction of Senate Bill 764 by state Sen. Tony Luetkemeyer in Missouri, there has been a strong push to pass it in the upcoming legislative session to legalize sports gambling in the state.
The bill would make sports betting legal, both online with geofencing, and in-person. The betting will go through one of the 13 licensed casinos in Missouri.
According to Leader Publications, Luetkemeyer explained that, provided the Bill is passed, it would imply a close $50 million fiscal impact: “We’re increasingly seeing people in the state of Missouri who are leaving and going to those other states to place sportsbook bets, and that means we’re seeing money and tax revenue leave the state. Money that would ordinarily go to schools”.
He also expressed he is certain there is support for the Bill. However, he pointed out that in the past there have been hang-ups when the legislature tried to include the topic of unlicensed lottery machines that tend to exist in truck stops and bars.
State Sen. Den Hegeman added that he has heard that organizations invested in sports gambling are looking to carry out an initiative petition and have sports gambling voted on by the people in 2022.
“I think we will get hung up again on ancillary issues that go along with wagering, such as video lotteries, and get expanded in gas stations, bars and such like that,” he said.
Rep. J Eggleston expressed his discomfort with this idea and proposed to have it done by the legislative process: “My understanding is it’s actually the sports teams and the leagues such as Major League Baseball and the NFL (that) would like to see sports betting. They think that would increase the interest in their sport, which would increase their revenues, so they’re going to write the language that actually goes into law or maybe even into the Constitution if they make it a constitutional amendment. I would rather see us handle it in the legislature if we can”.
Eggleston explained that he is in favor of the legalization of sports betting as long as it is done in the right way, avoiding cheating and corruption. However, he expressed discomfort when it comes to putting the unlicensed slot machines in gas stations and having customers and families exposed to something they may not want to be a part of.
Former state representative who currently serves as a commissioner for the Missouri Gaming Commission, Pat Conway, said: “I think there’s probably more interest this year than there has been in previous years, I also believe that the people at the table, including the casinos and the communities and other interests, are trying to get together to resolve some of the conflicting issues that have been brought up during the past legislative sessions”.
Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/news/2021/12/14/60602-missouri-pushes-to-legalize-sports-betting-in-upcoming-legislative-session