As the end of the year approaches, Yogonet spoke with Zitro’s CEO, Sebastian Salat to
get an insight of the company’s balance in 2021 and the expectations for the upcoming year, which is bound to grow not only in Lain American and European
Markets, but also in Asia.
What is the company’s balance of 2021’s commercial activities and the markets in
which Zitro has intervened?
Despite 2021 being a dark year marked by the pandemic, our idea factory continued to create innovative products. We were able to present our outstanding new product line at our Zitro Experience Mexico event and, regardless of the current world-wide supply issues, our new machines have debuted with great success. Today there are thousands of these new units in this country, where Zitro is the brand of reference.
2021 has been the year in which Zitro has taken notable steps into the U.S. market,
with a great growth in LatAm. We also stepped into leading casinos in the European market while keeping our leading position in Spain.
Finally, 2021 has also been the year of Zitro Digital’s expansion, which now offers a
wide range of video bingo and video slot games to online casinos around the world.
In short, 2021 has been an atypical year that has put us to the test as an organization. Zitro has come out stronger, with more products than ever, and with an
unprecedented presence in the world.
Perú, Argentina, México… It is not by chance that Zitro-related news are more and
more linked to LatAm, as more local markets are regulated with online gaming. How
important is Latin America for the company?
This year, we have shown once more that we know how to adapt to market conditions, and that we know how to be at the side of each operator to support their needs. It could not be otherwise, given the origins of Zitro and the huge importance of Latin America in our global expansion strategy, both in the field of land-based gaming and online gaming.
Besides, through the past years, Zitro has reinvented itself and has become one of the
main video slot providers in the market, as it kept its leading status in video bingo, which has resulted in a privileged position among casino suppliers in the Latin
American market.
Brazil is threatening to bring back casinos after 75 years, although the critical sectors
have not allowed its full regulation yet. How would you modify the firm’s plans before
Brazil starts demanding machines on a regular basis?
First, the Brazilian market opening would be great news for the country, as our industry is an economic engine, a generator of employment and innovation, which
Brazil needs. It will also be for all providers and for Zitro, as the origin of our company
comes from the time when Brazil was one of the biggest and most promising markets
in the world, and our founder, Johnny Ortiz, was a reference in the country.
Today, Zitro has a wide range of products for the future Brazilian market, and a vast,
unmatched experience. It also has the technology and productive capacity to supply
any demand generated by the Brazilian market.
What are the company’s expectations for 2022?
At Zitro, we are prepared for outstanding growth, not only in our traditional markets
such as Latin America and Europe, but also in the United States and Asia, as well as
the digital gaming market. We feel stronger and more committed than ever to make
Zitro the global leading supplier we envisioned when we set out our vision a few
years ago.
Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/news/2021/12/24/60702–34zitro-has-emergedfromthe-pandemic-stronger-than-ever–and-with-unprecedented-growth-around-the-globe