In an interview with Yogonet during his participation in the Peru Gaming Show, Oscar Giralt, Corporate Marketing Manager of Win Systems, highlighted the interest awakened by the new Gold Club 25th Anniversary roulette, which was presented at the event for the first time in the Latin American market. He also highlighted the penetration of the WIGOS CMS (casino management system) in the main gaming rooms of the region and anticipated the development of products for the online gaming market.

What products did the company choose to showcase this year at the Peru Gaming Show, focusing not only on the local market but also on the regional market?

This year we introduced a great novelty, given we have expanded the commercialization of our 25th Anniversary Gold Club Roulette to two new markets, in Europe and here, in Peru.

We had been receiving a lot of inquiries from customers and operators who wanted to know about it, and finally, we decided to expand its commercialization, so having it at PGS was one of the great novelties of the event.

Furthermore, of course, we showcased our WIGOS management system, which is number one in Latin America, together with the rest of Gold Club’s electronic roulettes and slot machines, where we introduced new games.

The WIGOS system is one of the most widely used and recognized in Latin America. Do you offer a localized version for the region, or is it a central system with no local adjustments?

WIGOS is currently present in more than 20 jurisdictions, many of them located in Latin America. We usually say that each market we reach is like starting a new project because we have to adapt to the characteristics and requirements of each operator and jurisdiction.

Of course, if the company is looking to have a presence in Peru, it is necessary to adapt to the rules and needs of the Peruvian operator. And basically, that is what we have done in 20 different jurisdictions, inside and outside Latin America.

As far as local operators are concerned, although the pandemic had a very strong effect on the operator’s investment, do you see today that there is a reactivation? Is there an interest in renewing equipment? And what were the requirements of the operators who visited the fair?

Undoubtedly, we see a reactivation process in the sector. We had already been present at the 2021 edition of PGS, which was in December, and so we decided to support the sector. And although in December we had a lot of affluence and we saw a moment of reactivation for this market, I believe that today, six months later, the situation has changed, it has evolved.

We have noticed that there are many customers who are not just planning a reactivation: they are in the midst of an effective reactivation and need to renew equipment. They know that, eventually, players are going to come back to the casinos, and, as has always happened, operators need to renew their equipment. That’s what many of us are noticing.

In Latin America, online gaming is gaining a presence, and undoubtedly the pandemic has boosted and accelerated this expansion. Many traditional slot machines and equipment manufacturing companies have turned part of their production to generate online gaming alternatives. Are you venturing in this direction? Do you plan to launch online products, or adapt the games you already have in the land-based market to be played through the Internet? What is your vision in this regard?

Obviously, the growth of the online sector is a trend that does not escape us; and we have projects underway for this segment.

For us, it is important to go one step further, towards the convergence of the land-based casino with the online casino. Today, that is the goal, and we see that many operators have a land-based offer and an online offer already in operation.

These are markets that are going to converge and in the end, the player will end up being one, who at times will opt for the in-person offer, and at other times, for the online one.

We have a lot to offer by converging these two platforms and unifying them in some way. For this reason, we have several projects already underway, which we will be able to announce in the coming months.

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