The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) announced Tuesday that it has now issued the National Lottery license to the Maltese company National Lottery PLC, a subsidiary of IZI Group PLC, enabling it to take over the operation of the National Lottery in Malta for the next ten years from the previous operator, Maltco Lotteries Limited. For the first time in 18 years, the lottery will be run by a fully-owned Maltese company. 

The announcement follows a Request for Proposals issued by the Government’s Privatisation Unit in July 2021. Pursuant to the evaluation of the bids received, National Lottery was chosen to be granted the exclusive right to operate the National Lottery.

In March 2022, a concession agreement was signed to this effect between the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands, and National Lottery. Pursuant to the concession agreement, the National Lottery license was issued by the MGA and will be valid for a ten-year term. The operation of the National Lottery is subject to the regulation and supervision of the Authority.

Addressing the event, the Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands, Silvio Schembri, said: “I’m sure that the new National Lottery licensee shall continue to enhance the popular National Lottery Games, such as the Lotto and Super 5, among others, as well as introduce other games which will further enrich the games portfolio.”

Together, we have ensured that National Lottery PLC will be committed to promoting, designing, and putting into practice the principles of actively responsible gaming while protecting the personal well-being of players. The national economic profit that translates from gambling should be given importance, but not at the expense of the player,” the Minister further said.

Carl Brincat, MGA’s CEO, commented: “The Authority is confident that the Concessionaire shall dedicate all resources necessary to maintain the very highest level of operational and compliance standards, and as has already been made clear, will invest in taking care of its players and doing its utmost to avoid gaming-related harm.”

“Today marks a new era for the National Lottery of Malta. The license attained from the Malta Gaming Authority affirms the hard work that we have been undertaking and our commitment to deliver an innovative, forward-looking, and above all, fair and transparent, national lottery service,” Johann Schembri, CEO of National Lottery PLC concluded.

The new Malta lottery operator has chosen International Game Technology (IGT) as its lottery technology provider. EveryMatrix will be supplying the lottery with its suite of online products, the business said in June.

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