Colombia’s Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN) announced it is going to increase the control and inspections of the activities carried out by the operators of games of chance, bets, and casinos in the country.
In a press release, the tax agency detailed that “the Sub-Directorates of Collection and Extensive Control and Tax Auditing will carry out control, facilitation and inspection activities on taxpayers that operate gambling and betting activities, especially casinos”.
The DIAN further indicated that according to “the database of taxpayers that carry out gambling and betting activities,” they have detected “a universe of taxpayers at a national level, which according to the data analysis present non-compliances in their obligations.”
“Therefore, a day of control will take place in different cities of the country, aimed at verifying the fulfillment of the obligations, especially regarding invoicing, presentation of declarations, associated payments, and informational reports,” officials stated.
Lastly, the Colombian tax agency emphasized “the importance of compliance with formal and substantial obligations” by taxpayers. Officials added that, for this purpose, they will contact “taxpayers who are in arrears to provide them with the relevant information and provide them with guidance regarding the process that is to be carried out by the entity according to each case.”
It should be noted that, after taking office at the beginning of August, Colombian President Gustavo Petro presented a tax reform bill in which, in regard to the tax on betting income, he proposes to remove the current exemptions and unify a 20% withholding for occasional gain to the prizes of bettors in all the gaming and turf verticals.
Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/news/2022/08/25/63975-colombia-39s-tax-agency-to-increase-control-of-gaming-and-casino-operators