Sports technology provider Sportradar signed a new deal with Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket franchise Delhi Capitals. The collaboration will see the cricket team designate the provider as the official technology partner of the Delhi Capitals Academy. 

The three-year deal will see Sportradar support and bolster the Delhi Capitals’ academy program, nurturing the development of young talents in professional cricket.

Sportradar will provide FrogBox, a live-streaming technology solution currently entrusted by more than 500 cricket clubs across England, Australia, and Europe, to the Delhi Capitals Academy and franchises.

The agreement also includes the deployment of a market-leading electronic scoring app and a mobile-responsive match center to host live streams and highlights of fixtures as well as live scores, scorecards, and results.

Lastly, Sportradar will provide the Delhi Capitals Academy with its fan engagement and coaching application, Lilypad. Lilypad will allow the cricket team to curate highlights from streamed matches. This will make it easy for the team to compile games into playlists. These playlists can then be shared with students for coaching purposes or on social media to engage fans of the cricket franchise.

Dhiraj Malhotra, CEO of Delhi Capitals, said: “This is a key milestone as Delhi Capitals Academy has become the first academy in India to partner with Sportradar and leverage their innovative video technology to develop talent in cricket. This partnership adds value in several ways, including enriching local talent and boosting engagement with our fans. We look forward to working with Sportradar to help grow the game.”

For his part, Jarod Pickering, Head of Cricket at Sportradar, added: “Academies such as Delhi Capitals play an integral role in identifying and nurturing the next generation of talent. We will be working closely with Delhi Capitals to help realize their vision for the academy.”

“We will also reach out to more academies in India to showcase how our technology solutions can be used to further develop the sport that the entire nation is incredibly passionate about,” he concluded.

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