This year’s Bacta Convention, to be held November 22, is shaping up to be “one of the most insightful of recent times,” the British trade body said on Friday. The association, which represents the interests of amusements and high-street gaming manufacturers and operators, confirmed the presence of high-profile stakeholders at the meeting.

Leading politicians, the UK Gambling Commission’s Andrew Rhodes, Michael Dugher of the Betting and Gaming Council and the Bingo Association’s Miles Baron all had accepted invitations to attend, Bacta said in a statement. But now, that list is further expanding.

The Bank of England became this month the latest body to agree to be part of the event, where it will provide expert insight on payments trends including what the Bank is doing to protect access to cash, which is in line with Government policy and the current legislation going through Parliament.

“Bacta has been highly encouraged by the positive response it has received from politicians, institutions and thought leaders alike,” said the association. The convention will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at London’s County Hall.

The convention will be followed by Bacta’s Parliamentary Reception, held in the Houses of Parliament, at which it will announce the winners of its 2023 awards. The awards recognise those who have made a unique impact with categories including High Street Hero, Seaside Saviour, Supply Chain Champion, Green Giants and Rising Star. 

Chief Executive John White noted: “Our aim with the Convention is to bring together a corps of speakers who are authorities in their field, who are able to explain latest thinking and who can talk about the implications of both policy and related developments for Bacta members and their businesses.”

Bacta's John White

“With the next General Election having to take place by 28th January 2025 and following the long-awaited publication of the White Paper, I am delighted that we have been able to secure both the Minister responsible for gambling, The Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP, as well as the Shadow Minister, Alex Davies-Jones MP.”

White said both will be “keen” to outline the direction of travel, explain policy objectives and their party’s vision for the future of land-based gambling businesses in the UK. The political theme will be extended into the evening with the annual Parliamentary Reception. 

Betting and Gaming Council CEO Michael Dugher, who during his career as a Labour Party MP served as Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, and Miles Baron, CEO of the Bingo Association, will participate in a ‘C-Level In Conversation’ round table whilst another CEO, The Gambling Commission’s Andrew Rhodes, will be making a keynote speech.

White added: “We are waiting to hear from a number of our invited guests but close to six months out of the first Convention to take place under the auspices of the newly restructured Bacta I am delighted at the calibre of attendees who have agreed to join us.”

“I would ask that Bacta members save the Convention date – 22nd November – and we will be keeping everyone up to speed with developments through the trade media and the normal Bacta channels.”

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