Gaming technology and services provider BetConstruct has announced the launch of CMS Pro Forms, described as an important addition to their CMS Pro engine. According to the company, this feature empowers users to design and manage registration and login forms simply with customization and ease.
With CMS Pro Forms, the company claims that it is redefining the form creation experience, making it flexible and adaptable to meet the specific requirements of different regions and licenses.
BetConstruct added that the main aim of this solution is to enable users to create forms that align with their specific needs, simplifying the form management process for its partners.
“This release marks a significant leap forward in form creation, a testament to BetConstruct’s commitment to innovation and user-centric solutions,” stated the supplier. “We are thrilled to introduce our latest addition, BetConstruct’s CMS Pro Forms, and eagerly anticipate the innovative forms our users will craft with this powerful tool.”
The new CMS Pro engine update comes amid a busy month for the supplier, which earlier in the month launched another product, iGaming Bot, an application tailored to operate within Telegram.
With iGaming Bot, BetConstruct partners and operators can integrate iGaming functions directly into Telegram, providing a streamlined and accessible gaming experience that complements traditional website and mobile application offerings.
Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/noticias/2023/09/28/68980-betconstruct-adds-tool-for-designing-managing-registration-and-login-forms-to-its-cms-pro-engine