Online sports betting is gaining more and more popularity in Mexico, due to the great fanaticism for various sports and the ease of access to this type of platform, where the main characteristics are usually simplicity and functionality.

A user accessing the main page of a sportsbook finds the possibility of betting on events of many sports. Soccer, tennis, basketball, boxing, and Formula 1 are some of the most popular among Mexicans, and within each category, all kinds of local and international tournaments can be found. This wide proposal is accompanied by different modalities to make predictions. In this regard, the latest analyses reveal that live bets outnumber those made before the start of the event, according to a report by local media Diario Sur.

Legal Framework

Currently, Mexican users can enjoy sports betting in a legal manner due to the legislation of the Ministry of Government, through the General Directorate of Gaming and Sweepstakes (DGJS). The law that governs covers different elements, from the theoretical framework that gives a clear definition to each term, the care of players, and even the supervision of the platforms that operate within the country.

In order for a gaming site to set up on Mexican soil, it needs a local gaming license. The DGJS is in charge of this, through a thorough and extensive process, where a deep analysis of the company and its operation is made and, if everything is in order, the gaming license is granted.

From that moment on, the Secretariat of Government regulates and controls the correct operation of the platform, so that it adapts to each of the regulations indicated by the law. In case of inappropriate behavior, it is in a position to impose sanctions, ranging from warnings, economic fines, and even the removal of the license.

On the other hand, users have the support of the law, which is in charge of their care and safety. In case of any kind of problem with the gaming platform, they have a place to turn to. In addition, the legislation ensures that their personal data is safe and protected. Last but not least, measures are taken to ensure that no one under 18 years of age participates in these gaming activities.

Some of the benefits of using a locally licensed site are that the platform is completely in Spanish, the local currency is accepted as the game currency, there are exclusive promotions for local players, there is a greater emphasis on users’ favorite sports, and traditional and popular means of payment in the local territory can be used, according to the local site iusport

In addition to the platforms licensed in Mexico, there are several international platforms that operate globally. Instead of being installed in different countries, they have an official international gaming license, being Curacao and Malta the most common ones. Thus, the range of options is wide and users have many characteristics to choose where to bet.

Ban on slot machines

On Thursday, September 7, Mexico’s Ministry of the Interior (Segob) published a draft decree at the National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (Conamer) aimed at banning bets or draws on electronic machines such as slot machines, bingo, or card simulators, among others.

The new legislation, which will amend the current Federal Gaming Law, will be submitted to Congress for its analysis and discussion and is expected to be enacted shortly. It is worth remembering that slot machines operating in casinos were legalized during the six-year term of President Felipe Calderón and endorsed in 2016 by a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of Justice.

While the government states that the new initiative aims at reducing problem gambling and gambling addiction of many Mexicans, casino businessmen have expressed their rejection because they see this measure as a loss for their business.

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