END 2 END‘s Development Manager, Nicolás Grecco, highlighted the growth achieved by the company specializing in real-time Multiplayer Bingo, both in terms of the technology of its products and the licenses obtained in different parts of the world.
In an interview with Yogonet, the executive announced the launch of its new product, Instant LOTTERY, which will be presented at ICE 2024. He also valued the legalization of gambling in Brazil and positioned this market as one of “the most important at a global level, since it has a large and very experienced public”.
What is the balance of 2023 for END 2 END?
2023 has been a very productive year for us, both commercially and technically. During this period, we have managed our efforts in two main areas: meeting the needs of each of our clients – those who have been with us since the beginning, as well as new ones – and making constant improvements to our platform.
The versatility of our software allows us to add different game and interface features with ease, so every time we detect or receive a new need from our customers we implement it. This helps grow our omnichannel product and gives us the possibility to offer a wider variety of options within our suite. In this regard, during 2023 we have exploited this facet of our technology to the maximum, thus obtaining an increasingly solid, stable, and customizable product.
What are your expectations for 2024?
Next year promises to be full of challenges and new projects. We have closed new contracts over the last few months, and each one presents us with a different adventure, as they focus on different aspects within the sector and in different parts of the world.
In response to the omnichannel nature of our product, our new launches not only correspond to the classic “Online Bingo Multiplayer” and retail chains, but we have also managed to position ourselves within the land-based industry, television shows, and massive events. To the latter we can add the launching of new bingo networks in LATAM, so 2024 will be a year of expansion in all aspects.
From your point of view, what was the most important industry news or event of the year?
Undoubtedly, the news about the project to legalize sports betting in Brazil has been very welcome news not only for us but also for all those who work in the industry. The Brazilian market promises to become one of the most important at a global level, as it has a large and very experienced public.
As END 2 END’s Development Manager, I can assure you that we are more than ready to accompany this process and position ourselves as one of the main BINGO and LOTTERY suppliers in Brazil. Our extensive experience in regulated jurisdictions and in LATAM, coupled with the versatility and scalability of our platform, make us the right candidate to take on this challenge.
Looking ahead to next year’s events, do you plan to launch a new product?
As I mentioned earlier, our gaming offering has continued to grow in all directions, and next year we plan to continue on that path. Over the past few months, our team has been in charge of developing a new product that we will be presenting at ICE 2024, called Instant LOTTERY.
This new development, as the name suggests, offers real-time, 100% customizable online lottery games. Like all END 2 END products, the Instant Lottery instance will have all the features of our bingo:
- Possibility of private branding
- Multi-Language
- Multi-Currency
- Multiple instances with different configurations
- Network-ready
- Compatibility with live shows (streaming + jackpots) and draws of all lotteries worldwide
- High and low-frequency draws
- High availability and scalability
In addition to all these benefits, there are two key items. The first one is that our Instant Lottery can be configured to respond to different game and betting modalities, adapting to any type of existing lottery. The second, and also very important, is that all those who are integrated into END 2 END will be able to have this new game without having to make any internal changes. Of course, the latter implies that any new integration will have immediate availability of our Bingo and Lottery products.
During 2023, END 2 END obtained new certifications in different jurisdictions, and also took its technology to new markets. What will be your new objectives at this point?
In the beginning, our main objective was to position ourselves strongly in LATAM, and I must say that we have achieved it since we have a presence in several countries in the region. As a next step, we proposed to take our products to Europe, a market we know well since we had been operators in Spain and the United Kingdom in the past.
During 2023, we began to walk the path to the Old Continent, achieving new certifications in jurisdictions such as the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Portugal, Denmark, and Malta, which added to our existing UKGC license. These new certifications allowed us to close new contracts, and continue our expansion. 2024 will be no exception, as we are working on new projects in Asia and new European jurisdictions.
In conclusion, we can say that END 2 END will begin a year in which we will continue to grow in all directions: more robust technology, versatility and granular customization of products, smart omni-channeling, and strong and lasting commercial ties.