The Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) opened, on February 13, the deadline for the companies that operate online games and sports betting to present, in a virtual way, their application to be granted an operation authorization. The deadline will run until March 13.

The opening takes place within the framework of Supreme Decree N° 005-2023, which made official the Regulation of Law 31.557 modified by Law 31.806, which regulates distance games and online sports betting, and establishes a special gaming tax of 12% of the net profit of the operators.

In this context, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Juan Carlos Mathews, stated that it is “fundamental” that these companies request the operating authorization and that, if they fail to do so, “they will be subject to a sanction of no less than 150 UIT -equivalent to $200,000-, and also a criminal charge and disqualification to exercise this activity”.

Juan Carlos Mathews, Head of Mincetur

“This is important news: put into operation Law 31.557 and its regulations will allow regulating the operation of remote gaming and remote sports betting, generating a regulated economic movement and with payment of taxes. And, above all, to provide security for the bettor, responsible gaming, and the formalization of the activity”, Mathews pointed out.

The law will be in force from April 1 and, therefore, the registration “is fundamental for the companies to be able to offer their services in the country”. “Once the companies comply with the requirements and are authorized by Mincetur, that is, as of April 1, they will be subject to the taxes,” said the head of Mincetur.

Likewise, Mathews explained that currently “115 companies have been identified as offering remote gaming and sports betting services in the country, of which 86 are non-domiciled and 29 are Peruvian”. “This shows the clear vision of Responsible Gaming and strict compliance with the Law and its Regulations”, he stated.

Mincetur estimated that, by the legal framework, the Peruvian State will be able to collect close to PEN 162 million ( $42 million) annually, to be invested in the reactivation of tourism, tourism infrastructure works, promoting sports, and attending mental health programs. This will not affect betting or the payment of prizes. To access the pre-registration, interested parties must access this link.

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