China has repatriated 680 suspects involved in illegal cross-border gambling and fraud from Cambodia, marking the conclusion of a joint operation between Chinese and Cambodian police.

The most recent group of 135 suspects were escorted back to China from Cambodia by two chartered planes on Sunday, landing at Tianhe International Airport in Wuhan, Central China’s Hubei Province.

The coordinated effort between Chinese and Cambodian authorities led to the apprehension of the suspects, with the repatriation process commencing on April 12. Hubei public security officials organized multiple charter flights to bring back the individuals in groups.

Upon their return, the Ministry of Public Security tasked the Hubei police with conducting investigations and handling the suspects.

In response to growing concerns over illegal activities such as cross-border gambling and telecommunications fraud, Chinese public security organs have intensified international law enforcement cooperation. This has resulted in the dismantling of numerous criminal gangs and the arrest of a significant number of offenders.

Since the start of 2024, authorities have repatriated tens of thousands of suspects involved in illegal cross-border gambling and fraud crimes from countries including Myanmar, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates.

Wang Xiaowei, an associate professor at the People’s Public Security University of China, highlighted the challenges faced in combating such crimes, noting that criminal gangs often operate from overseas, complicating investigations and arrests. Effective crackdowns necessitate international law enforcement cooperation with relevant countries.

The complexity of international tele-fraud cases, which often span multiple countries, further underscores the need for coordinated efforts. Wang emphasized the difficulty in probing, gathering evidence, and presenting legal proof in such cases.

Chinese public security authorities have pledged to maintain pressure on illegal activities to safeguard the public’s lives and property. They have also urged the public to remain vigilant, resist engaging in overseas gambling or online gambling, and be aware of evolving methods employed by criminal networks.

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