Lottery sales in China experienced growth in April, reaching 55.457 billion yuan ($7.65 billion), a 10.2% increase compared to the same month last year. Welfare lottery sales surged to 18.763 billion yuan ($2.59 billion), up by 20.3% year-on-year, while sports lottery sales amounted to 36.694 billion yuan ($5 billion), showing a 5.7% increase.

From January to April, the cumulative total of lottery sales in China amounted to 204.923 billion yuan ($28.27 billion), indicating a year-on-year increase of 17.0%. Welfare lottery sales reached 69.962 billion yuan ($9.65 billion), up by 26.3% compared to last year, while sports lottery sales totaled 134.961 billion yuan ($18.62 billion), a 12.7% increase.

In April, sales of lottery numbers, lottery guessing, instant lottery tickets, and Keno lottery tickets accounted for 29.5%, 45.9%, 18.0%, and 6.6% of the total lottery sales respectively. However, sales of video lottery tickets experienced a slight decrease compared to the previous year.

The sales increase in April was observed across all provinces, except for Hubei and Tianjin. Provinces like Guangdong, Hunan, Hebei, and Xinjiang saw substantial sales growth, with increases of 550 million yuan ($75.89 million), 390 million yuan ($53.81 million), 380 million yuan ($52.43 million), and 330 million yuan ($45.53 million) respectively.

Cumulatively from January to April, lottery sales increased in all provinces except Hubei. Provinces such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Xinjiang, and Hebei recorded the highest sales increases, with growth ranging from 1.67 billion yuan ($0.23 billion) to 3.48 billion yuan ($0.48 million).

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