The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) is notifying all prospective and current holders of a Recognition Notice Certificate (RN Certificate) that the guidance pages for the New Recognition Notice Application and the Recognition Notice Annual Maintenance Applications have been updated

The Applications Page has been updated to reflect the documentation that is required to be submitted via the Licensee Portal to apply for a new RN Certificate. Particular attention is to be paid to the details which are to be covered in the ‘Legal Opinion’ section.

The Compliance Page now reflects the documentation that is gathered annually when the RN Certificate maintenance application is reviewed by the MGA. The RN Certificate holder is requested to submit a Recognition Notice Annual Maintenance application via the Online Services dropdown in the Licensee Portal on an annual basis, prior to the anniversary of the RN Certificate. The application should be submitted at least two (2) months prior to the anniversary.

Should there be any changes made to the licence/s issued by the foreign jurisdiction, the addition of new foreign licence/s, or pertinent changes to company details, RN Certificate holders will now be required to submit a new application found within the Online Services dropdown: Changes to Recognition Notice Certificate application. 

This application must be submitted whenever there are updates to the details previously provided to the Authority. This includes adding new foreign licenses, modifying existing foreign licenses in the current RN Certificate, and updating company details, directors, or domains. The authority requests to refer to the Compliance Page for specific documentation requirements for each type of change.

RN Certificate holders should ensure that the information held on record is accurate and representative of the RN Certificate holder’s operations at all times, and not just at the Annual Maintenance stage, the Authority said.

The changes to the application requirements for both new RN Certificates, as well as the Annual Maintenance of the RN Certificate, will come into force as of 1 July 2024, although applications submitted in line with the revised guidelines before this date will also be accepted.

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