The Provincial Institute of Games and Casinos (IPJyC) of Mendoza confirmed that it will grant two new licenses to operate online gaming in the province. Through a resolution, the Institute indicated that the selection process will be carried out through public bidding, and the envelopes will be opened next August 20.

According to the entity presided over by Ida Lopez, Law 9.267 enabled the granting of seven licenses to operate in the online gambling market in Mendoza, of which four are already in operation, one is in the administrative process and now the remaining two will be put out to bid.

Accordingly, Resolution 385 of the IPJyC’s Board of Directors established that the purpose of this public bidding is “the granting of two licenses for the organization, development, exploitation, betting, and commercialization of the online gaming activity, in its different modalities, through electronic, computerized, telematic or any other interactive means.”

It was also established that, once the licenses are granted, the winning companies will have the right to exploit the service for a period of ten years starting from the date of signature of the awarding contract.

The resolution detailed that the envelopes with bidders will be opened on August 20 under the COMPR.AR system of the Province, with a bid value of ARS 500,000

Ida Lopez, head of the IPJyC of Mendoza

The applicant companies must submit a technical project that includes a description of the technical system, the Responsible Gaming project offered, and the fee to be paid to the IPJyC as consideration for the right to organize, operate, and commercialize online gaming in Mendoza.

It is worth mentioning that, at present, the operators that exploit online gaming in Mendoza are the brands Betwarrior, Codere, Super7, and BPlay. It is expected that Rushbet will be able to start operating soon as well.

The regulatory entity of Mendoza stated that “legal and regulated online gambling is an activity that guarantees transparency, players’ protection, the promotion of responsible and safe gambling, and the prohibition of the participation of children and adolescents.”

“Regulating online gambling discourages and combats the proliferation of illegal gambling, and the dangers it brings to society, especially children and adolescents and vulnerable groups”, the authorities added.

Click here to access Resolution 385 of the IPJyC of Mendoza.

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