As part of its campaign against illegal gambling and child gambling, the Government of the City of Buenos Aires has now requested the Central Bank to block all transfers to accounts linked to unauthorized gambling platforms operating in the city.

Through the Buenos Aires City Lottery (LOTBA), the Chief of Government, Jorge Macri, sent a letter requesting active cooperation in the fight against illegal online gambling so that they arbitrate all measures within their reach to block “all payments and/or transfers in favor of accounts belonging to or associated with illegal gambling platforms.”

Regarding virtual wallets, Macri highlighted the commitment of companies in the Fintech sector and also sent them a list of addresses and accounts of individuals detected as intermediaries associated with gambling pages and platforms that are not authorized to operate in the City of Buenos Aires.

According to the information provided, this list is part of the control and detection of illegal operators carried out by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires through the Gaming and Betting Control Management of LOTBA.

“The Government of the City of Buenos Aires has been working with the focus on the fight against addiction to gambling among minors under 18 years of age. And this measure adds to the multidisciplinary and integral strategy that has been implemented, confirming the commitment of this administration to fight against this problem,” said Jesús Acevedo, President of LOTBA.

He emphasized that blocking the means of payment is a way of making it difficult for children to enter and gamble. “There are no simple solutions for complex problems and the State cannot replace the role of parents and guardians, but from the institutions, we can help them and give them support,” added the head of the Lottery.

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