Mexican deputy Marco Natale Gutiérrez has presented a bill to reform the Federal Law of Telecommunications and Broadcasting, with the aim of preventing the promotion of gambling or casino games in advertisements aimed at or viewed by children.

According to local media reports, the legislative initiative argues that “advertising for betting operators in mass media represents a significant challenge for the protection of children and adolescents.”

The bill also warns that the expansion of these advertisements can expose minors to inappropriate messages that promote risky behavior or normalize gambling activity, against the best interests of children and their integral development.

In turn, the legislation states that children’s participation in activities related to gambling “represents a serious problem with negative consequences in various aspects of their development and well-being.”

In addition, the project states that participation in gambling implies the understanding of risks and financial consequences, which can “lead to impulsive decisions, indebtedness and family conflicts, which affects not only the child directly involved but also their immediate environment.”

Deputy Natale stressed that “it is imperative that the Mexican State takes concrete and effective measures to regulate advertising of betting operators in the media.”

This includes the establishment of clear and precise guidelines that protect children and adolescents from exposure to harmful messages, as well as the supervision and rigorous application of existing laws and regulations,” he added.

Finally, he stressed that the promotion of responsible messages and the restriction of harmful content are “essential elements” that must govern practices. “At the same time, government authorities must establish robust regulatory frameworks and implement effective oversight measures to ensure compliance with established standards,” he concluded.

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