Pay4Fun, a payment company with a strong presence in the online betting and gambling market, announced that on September 5 it will be present at the III Sports Integrity Summit, which will bring together important figures from the sector to discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the regulation of sports betting in Brazil. The event will take place at the Sao Paulo Football Museum, an emblematic venue for sports and culture in the country.

Leonardo Baptista, CEO of Pay4Fun, will be one of the featured speakers on the panel entitled ‘From regulation to implementation: navigating Brazil’s new sports betting law’.

During the panel, which will take place from 3:15 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Baptista will address the impacts of the new legislation on means of payment in the gambling sector.


The panel will also include the participation of Regis Dudena, Secretary of Prizes and Gambling of the Ministry of Finance; Udo Seckelmann, lawyer of Bichara e Motta; Daniela Castro, representative of Pacto Pelo Esporte; and Rafael Marcondes, of Rei do Pitaco.

These experts will explore the regulatory and operational aspects of the implementation of the new gambling law in Brazil, offering a comprehensive overview of the changes to come.

With the sports betting market undergoing rapid transformations, understanding the new regulations and their implications is critical for anyone working in the industry.

“If you are a professional in the field, this is the perfect opportunity to keep up to date with the regulatory changes and participate in the debates that will shape the future of betting in Brazil,” the company said in a statement.


  • Date: September 5
  • Time: 15:15 – 16:00
  • Venue: Football Museum, São Paulo

For more details about the event and registration, visit the summit’s official website.

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