The New Jersey Assembly has voted to advance a bill that would decriminalize underage gambling, reducing penalties from a criminal offense to a civil infraction. The measure, introduced in December, is now set to be reviewed by the state Senate.  

Under Assembly Bill 5086, individuals caught gambling underage would face fines rather than criminal charges, ensuring violations do not appear on their records.  

This bill changes the penalties from a disorderly persons offense to a civil fine, avoiding criminal records for young offenders,” lawmakers said in a statement.  

If passed, the bill would impose:  

  • A fine of up to $500 for a first offense.  
  • A fine of up to $1,000 for a second offense.  
  • A fine of up to $2,000 for subsequent violations.  

Casino operators and employees who allow underage individuals to gamble or serve them alcohol would face similar penalties.  

The bill, co-sponsored by Representatives Claire Swift (R) and Anthony Verrelli (D), differs from previous versions by omitting mandatory problem gambling treatment for offenders, a move that has drawn mixed reactions.  

Luis Del Orbe, of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey (CCGNJ), said: “Such education is all the more critical at a time when youth gambling is on the rise to a troubling degree. More and more New Jersey citizens need help due to the ongoing expansion of gambling opportunities.”

Supporters argue that decriminalization will ease court system congestion, with Swift citing excessive case backlogs as a key reason for the reform.  

While the bill does not require treatment for underage gamblers, the fines collected will be directed to the CCGNJ to fund prevention, education, and treatment programs for compulsive gambling.  

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