Zitro announced the avant premiere of its Megashare Lounge at the Casino Café De Paris owned by Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer, a leading casino operator in the principality of Monaco

Along with the Megashare Lounge feature, which is presented on 14 Fusion Slant cabinets, players of this market will gain access to Link King and Link Me games.

The Megashare Lounge’s progressive jackpot functionality allows all players to win a portion of the accrued jackpot amount when the jackpot is hit by one of them.

Nadège Teyssedre, Regional Director for EMEA, said: “At Zitro, we are tremendously grateful to Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer for its commitment to our latest innovation. We are confident this completely new gaming experience will continue to surge in popularity and become one of the most preferred jackpot systems in many markets. We are optimistic that this new jackpot feature will also add value to the Casino Café de Paris, a reference for gaming and entertainment not only across Europe but around the world”.

Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/news/2021/12/23/60753-casino-cafe-de-paris-monaco-hosts-avant-premiere-of-zitro-39s-megashare-lounge


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