Paraguay’s National Gaming Commission (Conajzar) announced through resolution 48/2022 that, after the analysis of the documents submitted by the bidders for the concession of the operation of sports betting at a national level, the company Daruma SAM S.A. will keep its license for five more years.

The bid, which is exclusive to the whole Paraguayan territory, had three bidders: Daruma SAM, Unipersonal Luis Carlos Alder Benítez, and the consortium made up of B-Caming and Gambling.

Conajzar clarified that six companies considered participating in the bidding process, but only the three mentioned above formally submitted bids.

Authorities also noted that, for that reason, they did not call for international bidding, because “the legal, technical and economic knowledge that the exploitation of sports betting requires is guaranteed with national companies, with sufficient experience and capacities for the success of the activity.”

Regarding the companies that did not comply with the bidding terms and conditions, the entity specified point by point why they were not considered for the award. “In view of the substantial non-compliance of the bidders B-Caming S.A. and Gambling S.A., regarding their legal and financial capacity and experience, the commission proceeded to disqualify them,” the document states. The same was done with the sole proprietorship of Alder Benítez.

Daruma SAM scored 100% of the requirements: 34 points for the fee, 33 for its financial capacity, and another 33 for its background and experience.

“Daruma complies with all the requirements set forth in the Bidding Terms and Conditions. The data presented are viable, both for the bidder and for the Paraguayan State”, the entity stated. It is worth mentioning that Daruma SAM, through its brand Apostala, presented the lowest percentage of the fee (22%) of the tender; while Luis Carlos Alder Benítez had presented 23%, and the consortium B-Caming and Gambling, 27% of the fee.

Therefore, Conajzar made a consideration, highlighting that Daruma SAM will not be able to pay in any case, as a fee, an amount lower than G$ 1,000 million per month ($136,550), and it will be readjusted every twelve months, starting from the thirteenth month, and until the end of the concession for the exploitation of the game. It should be noted that the opening of the envelopes was held at Conajzar’s offices on October 31.

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