Australia’s biggest gambling reforms are about to be implemented in New South Wales in an attempt to stop money laundering activity and help those struggling with addiction regulate their spending.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet announced new plans to make poker machines cashless by 2028 and impose daily loss limits in an attempt to stop problem gambling. The new plan will roll out cashless cards to gamblers, who will need to set their own daily loss limit, which can only be changed after seven days. 

Gamblers will also only be able to use money from their own bank accounts, with money from credit cards no longer allowed. Perrottet said cashless gaming would be mandatory in all venues by December 31, 2028, and gamblers would need to have their details associated with an account to use poker machines.

“We will require that all new machines purchased will be cashless, with the rollout beginning early next year,” he said, as reported by “We will legislate the strictest privacy protections for player data, with no government or industry access to personalized player data other than law enforcement purposes, with strict penalties for misuse.”

“We will introduce an optional buyback scheme targeted to acquire 2000 machines from venues over the next five years and will ban political donations from pubs and clubs in NSW,” he added. 

Among the changes to be implemented, the new approach to safe gambling will also allow spouses or children worried about a loved one’s gambling to block these cards from use. “I don’t think there’s a person in this state who doesn’t know someone who has been affected by problem gambling or someone whose family has broken down as a result,” Perrottet said.

The new plans are a direct result of a report released by the NSW Crime Commission, which recommended many of the changes in an attempt to stop illegal money laundering.

Crime Commissioner Michael Barnes welcomed the changes and stated the rules will make it “impossible for criminals to spend their money that way.” He also welcomed “the comprehensive response of the government” to the report, and said he looks forward to continuing to work with the government in implementation, should it be necessary.  

However, the new measures did not come without controversy, as the Premier is now facing backlash from media over the long-term rollout dates and high daily limits. “The time for trials is over, the time for delivery starts today. If this could be done overnight, I’d do it, but the advice after the consultation from tech experts in this space has said that it will take a five-year period for a full rollout,” Perrottet assured. 

Harm minimization experts have told me the No. 1 thing you can do is ensure that when a problem gambler goes into a pub or club, there is a limit that they have set, and they cannot change that for seven days. That is the advice that I’ve received and that is the advice the NSW government has implemented,” he said, after being questioned about the maximum spend limit.

It’s not for me as Premier to arbitrarily put in a cap – everyone’s personal circumstances are different. This is a comprehensive package and people have different views on different aspects of that, but what I can say as Premier is we’ve consulted thoroughly,” he noted. 

According to the Premier, the rules protect jobs, protect the industry and do so “in a way that stamps out money laundering in NSW in pubs and clubs and stops problem gambling.” He further said the measures lead the nation “to make a real difference to people’s lives.”

In a statement released to NCA NewsWire, ClubsNSW said it was concerned about the costs arising from the mandatory cashless system, as well as its technical challenges.

We’re particularly concerned about the implications for small, regional clubs and the impacts this will have on jobs across the industry. ClubsNSW is committed to working with whoever wins the March election to combat problem gambling and keep criminals out of gaming venues,” a spokesperson stated.

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