Ahead of its Capital Markets Day today (23 March), the Denmark-based affiliate revealed the targets it hopes to reach between now and 2027.

The financial targets include achieving a revenue compound annual growth rate of greater than 20%, as well as EBITDA-margin before special items of 30% to 40% and keeping net debt to EBITDA below 3.

The company also revealed that these targets would be based on the assumption that mergers and acquisitions would be solely financed by its own cash flow and debt.

Jesper Søgaard, Better Collective co-founder and CEO, believes the company will continue to set its sights high for the future.

“We have always been dreaming big at Better Collective, and today is no different,” said Søgaard. “Last year, we announced a new ambitious vision of becoming the leading digital sports media group.”

Søgaard went on to add that the group’s strengths will help it achieve these targets.

“We are uniquely positioned to consolidate the digital sports media space,” he said.

“There are a lot of synergies to harvest in combining strong authoritative sports media with large viewerships and Better Collective’s core strengths of optimisation, conversion, and diverse business models.”

Increased revenue and growth

Better Collective recently posted its full financial year results, in which it saw 96.2% year-on-year growth for operations.

The affiliate also revealed that revenue was up 52% to €269.3m (£238m/$293m) and recorded a net profit of €48.1m after tax.

It also set itself 2023 targets of a revenue range of between €290m and €300m, along with EBITDA before special items of €90m to €100m.

Original article: https://igamingbusiness.com/finance/better-collective-sets-revenue-and-earnings-growth-targets/


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