In this interview, SOFTSWISS Co-CEO Andrey Starovoitov reflects on the iGaming company’s 15th anniversary. Moreover, Starovoitov discusses his professional path with the business, offers advice to those navigating this complex sector, and shares industry insights on what makes SOFTSWISS stand out from the crowd.

You’ve been with SOFTSWISS for nearly half of its 15-year journey. Can you share how your path at SOFTSWISS has evolved and how your experience in various departments benefits you now? How do you perceive the company’s growth alongside your own development?

I embarked on my journey with SOFTSWISS as an Account Manager for the Game Aggregator. At the time, our team comprised only three individuals: me, Alexandra Vakulchik, and Tatiana Kaminskaya. Step by step, our team and business expanded. Despite encountering challenges, I cherish those early days with fondness and a touch of nostalgia.

We were responsible for managing all aspects of the operation. This included handling contract work, negotiating with providers and clients, overseeing integrations, launching new providers and clients, and troubleshooting the simplest technical issues. This hands-on experience gave us invaluable insights into the product’s inner workings at its most fundamental level.

Looking back on those early years, I can confidently say that we were pioneers in shaping the content trading and game aggregation market.

Moving into the COO role allowed me to explore other products within SOFTSWISS. This experience broadened my perspective beyond just the Game Aggregator, giving insights into different aspects of our industry and a deeper understanding of casino operations.

Two years later, I was promoted to the position of co-CEO. This shift in the vertical hierarchy of the company allowed me to perceive management from a unique angle, primarily from the viewpoint of an ordinary employee. Understanding and acknowledging various issues at the execution level proved invaluable in decision-making, and prioritising the team’s interests.

The company’s rapid growth presented a serious challenge, both in terms of managing the workload and maintaining a sense of humanity without being overwhelmed by the spotlight. Passing through these trials was relatively easy, as fame was not my goal. Instead, I was focused on building a strong team and business, which served as my primary source of motivation. 

Throughout our years of dedication, the entire team has accomplished truly remarkable feats. SOFTSWISS has emerged as a market leader, showcasing excellence not only in financial performance but also in industry reputation. A significant testament to our success is evident in our widespread recognition, emulation by others, and perhaps even a touch of envy.

In leading a technology company, is it crucial for the CEO to have a developer background, or is being an effective manager more significant? What essential qualities should a leader of a technology company embody?

As someone primarily from a business background, I believe that a CEO of a technology company doesn’t necessarily need to have a developer background.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance between understanding business and management principles and having an interest in technology and involvement in the technical aspects of the company’s operations. Conversely, individuals from engineering backgrounds can also excel in managerial roles within the high-tech industry. Ultimately, effective leadership in a technology company can come from a variety of backgrounds.

In any scenario, a managerial position invariably entails striking a balance of competencies, a thirst for innovation, a knack for assembling the right team, and a forward-looking mindset. From my perspective, managing human resources is pivotal for a manager at any level. Building an efficient and unified team can compensate for gaps in expertise, enabling effective navigation through areas where you may lack specialized knowledge.

The second point I’d highlight is the importance of strategic thinking and vision. As a manager, you navigate a landscape of numerous variables and often considerable uncertainty. Identifying artifacts confirming the chosen path’s correctness and systematizing chaos is crucial in crafting a strategy to achieve set goals. While various directions may exist, the manager must determine whether the company reaches its intended destination. This task is impossible without strategic analysis and goal-setting.

What insights have you gained as Co-CEO at SOFTSWISS? What guidance would the leader of a technology company, with over 15 years of experience in the iGaming market, offer to those embarking on their management journey in the industry?

One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned is the importance of being prepared because results may take time to materialize. Patience is key, particularly when pursuing strategic goals. Progressing in this direction won’t always be straightforward; it will inevitably involve numerous challenges, obstacles, setbacks, and the need to adjust tactics.

Providing advice in situations where each case is unique can be challenging. I’m wary of contributing to survivorship bias, where success stories are often studied without considering failure stories. However, there are fundamental factors that influence whether a company will progress toward success or not. I believe these basic principles are encapsulated in SOFTSWISS Values.

A clearly defined mission and a robust values system are vital for the sustainable development of any company. ‘We care’ stands as a fundamental statement among SOFTSWISS’ core values, articulated through explicit principles such as ‘We see people’, ‘We embrace changes’, ‘We push for customer success’ and ‘We excel’.

While cultivating both the personal responsibility of the team members and social responsibility within the company, SOFTSWISS takes measurable steps, including charitable contributions, active engagement in philanthropic initiatives, and participating in eco-friendly activities. The alignment of the employees around these shared values significantly enhances the quality of the output.

What do you perceive as the most significant accomplishments of SOFTSWISS over the past 15 years? How have these achievements impacted not only the company itself but also the broader industry?

Without a doubt, the most significant success of SOFTSWISS is its team. Beyond business triumphs and market standing, our people are the heart of our achievements. This isn’t just rhetoric; I vividly remember the team upon my arrival, many of whom still shape our products today. We’ve attracted many industry professionals and newcomers in recent years, nurturing a diverse and talented workforce. Our team stands as our most valuable asset and achievement over the years.

What do you envision as the next significant milestone in SOFTSWISS’ development? How do you foresee SOFTSWISS evolving over the next 15 years as it celebrates its 30th anniversary?

I envision SOFTSWISS as an undisputed market leader, an international powerhouse with offices spanning all continents, boasting a youthful, dynamic, and motivated workforce. It will be a place where everyone can unleash their talents and pursue their passions wholeheartedly.

With a planning horizon extending over the next 15 years, I firmly believe that SOFTSWISS has the potential to transcend the confines of the iGaming industry. Through innovative technologies and forward-thinking management approaches, it can emerge as a leader in entirely new IT sectors such as gaming, e-commerce, and fintech.

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