The Government of Madrid reported that land-based betting shops have decreased their presence by 60% in the Spanish autonomous community since 2019, dropping from 160 in that year to 64 to date. Meanwhile, gambling saloons have registered a decreasing trend of 8%.

In his presentation to the plenary session of the Madrid Assembly, the Minister of Environment, Interior and Agriculture, Carlos Novillo, highlighted that the region ranks 14th in gambling saloons per 100,000 inhabitants, in regards to the 17 autonomous communities and the two autonomous cities.

Likewise, Novillo pointed out that the Madrid government has carried out up to 27,000 inspections in 2023 and 15,000 so far in 2024. “[These] show a decreasing balance of sanctions, which shows that the sector is adapting to regulation and is respecting it,” he said.

The official warned that the decrease in the number of gambling establishments and the reduction of sanctions reflect the efforts of the regional government to regulate and control the betting and gambling sector.

To conclude, he stated that this trend “suggests a greater compliance by operators with the regulations imposed, as well as a possible decrease in the accessibility of these premises for residents of the Community of Madrid”.

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