Provincial lawmaker Verónica Valverde presented a bill before the Legislature of Mendoza to implement a biometric authentication system in online gambling and thus avoid the access of minors in the province.

In an interview with the local newspaper San Rafael, the deputy explained that the project “is a response to the complex situation” that exists in the province concerning online gambling, since the current legislation “does not adequately address ID verification, thus allowing minors to use adult data to access online games.”

Valverde highlighted the need to use advanced technological mechanisms, such as biometric authentication, to ensure that only people of legal age can register and participate in iGaming.

“It seemed crucial for us to implement an ID verification mechanism based on new technologies, given that we are dealing with a very recent and complex phenomenon. Biometric data are tools already used in other contexts. […] Applying this method in the regulation of online gaming is elementary to protect our children,” she said.

Furthermore, the lawmaker warned that one of the main challenges is the difficulty of regulating gaming platforms that operate outside the provincial jurisdiction. However, she trusted that the implementation of this law would inspire similar regulations at the national level.

Valverde also pointed out that the bill was signed by lawmakers from different political parties, which evidences a consensus on the urgency of the measure. “This project has been supported by all political forces because we all agree that it is a matter of concern,” she said.

Lastly, she noted that the next step for the bill is its discussion in parliamentary committees, where it is expected to receive the necessary support to move quickly towards its implementation.

“We have worked hard to ensure that this initiative has solid support and we hope that it will be the starting point for finding solutions to current concerns related to online gambling and child protection,” she concluded.

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