Latin American gaming operator Enjoy has presented a third proposal for a judicial reorganization agreement, which replaces the one presented last June 26. The document will be voted by the Creditors’ Deliberative Meeting on July 26, within the framework of the second financial restructuring of the company.

According to the report to the Chilean Financial Market Commission, Enjoy pointed out that this new plan offers creditors “greater detail and regulation of certain aspects than the one presented previously.”

According to the document signed by Enjoy’s General Manager, Estaban Rigo-Righi, the proposal “allows the company to continue generating value, its creditors to recover their claims and maintain the operational continuity of Enjoy and its subsidiaries.”

Likewise, the company says it will be able to fulfill its commitments to its workers, suppliers, customers, shareholders, and communities in which it is present.

“All this through different mechanisms, among them the deferral and/or restructuring of debts, the sale of assets, and the obtaining of fresh resources for operational continuity, in the terms described in the aforementioned plan,” explained the company.

It should be noted that, on June 26, Enjoy filed a second judicial reorganization plan before the 8th Civil Court of Santiago, which implied a greater restructuring compared to the previous one.

This document introduced “significant changes in the proposed conditions and terms” and included the sale of strategic assets in Punta del Este, Coquimbo, and Pucón, in addition to other real estate assets controlled by NewCo 2 and NewCo 3.

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