A survey conducted by Hibou, a company specializing in consumer tracking and understanding, has revealed that 68% of the Brazilian population bets. The full survey can be read at this link.

The lottery tops the list, with 47% of preferences. It is followed by raffles (25%), sports betting (11%), bingo (10%), online casinos (8%), jogo do bicho (5%) and land-based slot machines (1%). The information was shared by the newspaper Extra. 

Furthermore, according to the study, which surveyed over 2,800 people in August 2024, 53% of gamblers have already spent more than they won on games. Another 16% have experienced financial problems because of gambling. Even so, only 2% of participants consider themselves addicted.

But the Brazilian case is not an isolated one. In another of the region’s large markets, Argentina, a survey revealed that 77% of those aged between 18 and 65 are aware of online gambling sites and 36% have used them at some point.

Similar figures are registered in Chile. According to a study conducted by the School of Administration and Economics of the University of Santiago de Chile (Usach), more than 70% of Chilean players invested money in lottery tickets, bingo, or charity sweepstakes at least once in their lifetime. 

Shifting countries, a survey conducted by Opinion Box revealed that, in Peru, 50% of online platform players gamble at least once a week. At the same time, it indicated that 40% of users invest less than PEN 100 per month, equivalent to $27.


The survey conducted in Brazil also highlights the importance of advertising and other factors, with 42% of gamblers claiming to have seen ads for online betting and gambling on television.

Likewise, social networks play an important role, with 33% of gamblers claiming to have seen ads on Instagram.

Additionally, digital influencers have a significant impact, reaching 19% of bettors. Among the factors that most influence the decision to bet are the possibility of obtaining economic benefits (66%) and fun (25%).

Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/noticias/2024/08/28/76854-brazil-new-survey-reveals-that-68-of-brazilians-bet-in-some-form


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