DR Gaming Technology (DRGT) returns to G2E Las Vegas, booth 4405 to showcase its latest products and solutions under the guidance of newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Marco Herrera. The event is set to take place at The Venetian Expo in Las Vegas, on October 8 to 10, 2024. 

Herrera’s appointment followed former CEO and co-founder Jurgen De Munck’s announcement in early September that he will be taking on the role of Group Executive Chairman with a core focus on specifically the Group’s Infiniti Casino operations business.

“Since inception in 2003, we have been fortunate enough to have not only expanded our founding systems business from literally the basement of a casino in Belgium to one operating across 5 continents but also widened our offering to casino operations; it is this new business sector that drove the need for a focused systems executive,” said De Munck.

Jurgen De Munck

Strategically driving the group’s systems, distribution, and jackpot business is Herrera’s key deliverable, and as such the group’s ever-expanding business in Mexico continues to warrant significant attention. To that end, the company recently acquired a new 1,000-square-meter warehouse and 890-square-meter offices in Polanco, Mexico City.

“In addition to our own casino management system and jackpot technology, we are also APEX Gaming’s official distributor in Mexico. We now have around 1,000 APEX slots on revenue there and intend to double that by the middle of next year,” said Herrera. “….and with a new recently signed distribution agreement with BW, things are indeed on the up-and-up.”


However, casino management systems (CMS), cashless gaming, and jackpots remain at the core of the technology company’s product suite, as do their associated reporting and marketing solutions. DRGT’s new drFloorManager will make its first appearance at G2E, as will their updated web-based drReportsBI solution and the latest iteration of their drApp

Visitors to G2E will be able to see first-hand, with a simple mouse hover over specific machines or areas on a casino floor map how machines and tables are performing, and who’s playing at them, and then use that data to not only track performance, but push notifications, reward players, and see literally ‘what’s hot and what’s not’ all in in real-time, or across configurable dates and times.  


Similarly, the company’s drReportsBI software now provides not only an ‘easy on the eye’ user interface, but a bouquet of extremely intuitive, responsive, and easy-to-digest reports that make the extensive amount of data captured by the CMS simple to understand and ‘mine’. 

All of which then plays directly into its loyalty suite, the reward opportunities presented by its system-driven jackpots and Reel Bonus games, and its associated Android and iOS drPlayerApp and 8.8” drScreenUltra player tracking interface to communicate and share these jackpots, games, and rewards with players.

Marco Herrera

Herrera commented: “My background, outside of systems, also includes time in the slots and tables supply vertical, and I can promise you one thing: DRGT stands back for no one when it comes to their jackpot offering. Our system-driven jackpots form part of our casino management system (CMS) and as such operate ‘on top of’ existing slot machines and games. Our patented drSMIB ‘mesh’ network technology affords operators the ability to allocate, schedule, and configure standalone, local, and wide-area jackpots in any manner thinkable, and without the need to buy any form of jackpot controller; that sort of flexibility and operational efficiency is second to none.

“Add to that our drMediaManager solution that affords operators the ability to design, configure, and implement their own jackpots and jackpot themes, as well as schedule and deploy pics, videos, or streamed content to player interface units and casino digital signage and one really does have an extremely compelling arsenal of ‘player first technology’.  I highly recommend that operators pop by our booth 4405 to have a look first-hand,” the CEO concluded.

Original article: https://www.yogonet.com/international/noticias/2024/09/24/79740-dr-gaming-technology-to-unveil-its-latest-products-and-solutions-at-g2e-las-vegas


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