LETTER: Don’t get rid of daylight saving time in Nevada

Getting rid of daylight saving time cuts an hour of useful outside time for most of us, with the greatest effect in the spring and fall months....

LETTER: Broadband program is a waste of money

Cheaper ways for feds to accomplish the same goal. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-broadband-program-is-a-waste-of-money-3313120/

LETTER: Trump, Ukraine and the art of the deal

Wait, what happened? Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-trump-ukraine-and-the-art-of-the-deal-3313117/

CARTOON: Ooh, ooh, that smell

Stinky. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/michael-ramirez/cartoon-ooh-ooh-that-smell-3313114/

EDITORIAL: And about those Medicaid ‘cuts’

Democrats find an issue with which to attack. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-and-about-those-medicaid-cuts-3313111/

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Who caused the counter-revolution?

No wonder the current normal seems abnormal to the status quo of the recent past. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-columns/victor-davis-hanson/victor-davis-hanson-who-caused-the-counter-revolution-3313108/

VICTOR JOECKS: The importance of retaking institutions

Lasting political change doesn’t come from winning elections but reshaping institutions. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-columns/victor-joecks/victor-joecks-the-importance-of-retaking-institutions-3313105/

COMMENTARY: Free trade, not protectionism, is the path to prosperity

Tariffs are a failed policy; history has shown they do more harm than good. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/commentary-free-trade-not-protectionism-is-the-path-to-prosperity-3313102/

Dozens gather near Lake Mead to protest National Park Service job cuts

The protest was one of many to take place at national parks around the country on Saturday. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/clark-county/dozens-gather-near-lake-mead-to-protest-national-park-service-job-cuts-3313089/

Hill: Raiders’ big swing-and-miss on Stafford not a total failure

While the Raiders and Tom Brady missed on their two big home run cuts this offseason, fans can be encouraged that the organization is taking big swings....

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