LETTER: Some children need lunch at school

Some Nevadans are struggling with feeding their families, and that includes school-age children. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-some-children-need-lunch-at-school-3311206/

CLARENCE PAGE: Voter’s remorse? Not much, but give it time

At this point, Musk and Trump are rolling out a fast and furious agenda, and most Americans can only look on in awe. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/clarence-page-voters-remorse-not-much-but-give-it-time-3311203/

COMMENTARY: The roadmap for Democrats out of their funk

Stop harping about Trump and make a case for Democratic rule. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/commentary-the-roadmap-for-democrats-out-of-their-funk-3311200/

CARTOON: Deadly proxies

Iran’s monster. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/michael-ramirez/cartoon-deadly-proxies-3311198/

LETTER: Laying off national park employees not a good move

The system is not a bastion of waste or fraud. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/letters/letter-laying-off-national-park-employees-not-a-good-move-3311195/

EDITORIAL: ‘Free’ rural internet money goes missing in Nevada

The Biden-era effort to bring broadband to rural America has been a multibillion-dollar bust. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-free-rural-internet-money-goes-missing-in-nevada-3311192/

VICTOR JOECKS: Lombardo backs woke superintendent to lead CCSD

A leading candidate to be the Clark County School District’s next superintendent received an award last year for her DEI advocacy. Meet Jhone Ebert. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/opinion/opinion-columns/victor-joecks/victor-joecks-lombardo-backs-woke-superintendent-to-lead-ccsd-3311189/

3 advance: CCSD school board narrows search for new superintendent

The Clark County School Board voted to move three of four candidates forward in its search for the school district’s next leader. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/education/school-board-eliminates-one-more-candidate-in-superintendent-search-3311172/

What are they hiding? Metro withholds manifesto of Cybertruck bomber

Las Vegas police said the U.S. Defense Department told them the manifesto contained classified materials, but state law requires that the records be turned over. Original article:...

Man convicted in 2018 Reno murder dies

Matasar was serving a sentence of 18 years-to-life after being convicted of second-degree murder in the killing of John Lovely. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/man-convicted-in-2018-reno-murder-dies-3311147/

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