Which mountain am I looking at? A guide to Las Vegas’ mountains

If you’ve ever looked at a mountain around the valley and didn’t know its name, this is the guide for you. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/which-mountain-am-i-looking-at-a-guide-to-las-vegas-mountains-2972367/

New guidance emerges for COVID-19 booster shots

Federal officials now say that everyone over 50 should get a second booster. But one critic calls this “booster mania.” Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/life/health/new-guidance-emerges-for-covid-19-booster-shots-2610984/

Steam can reverse dent damage in wood furniture

A dent in wood furniture is caused by an impact that compresses the fibers of the wood. It can be reversed back to normal with the help...

No sunlight causes Canary Island palm fronds to die

Canary Island palm trees have a big head that produces heavy shade so it’s possible that the lower fronds may die due to a lack of light....

Keep prescription costs in mind when making Medicare decisions

Many Americans are so concerned about their doctors that they completely miss whether their prescriptions are covered under their new Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage prescription...

Savvy Senior: How to talk to your doctors — and get them to listen

Many older patients feel like their doctors are dismissing their concerns, which can be frustrating and lead to missed diagnoses and delayed care. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/livewell/savvy-senior-how-to-talk-to-your-doctors-and-get-them-to-listen-3219603/

New tool more accurately calculates cardiovascular risk

The new set of equations, known as PREVENT, could help guide who needs medication for high blood pressure. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/livewell/new-tool-more-accurately-calculates-cardiovascular-risk-3130076/

5 foods a cardiologist avoids to improve her heart health

Although you can’t avoid risk factors such as family history, you can adopt a healthier lifestyle to improve your heart health. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/livewell/5-foods-a-cardiologist-avoids-to-improve-her-heart-health-2686686/

Fight off the flu with immune-boosting nutrients

It’s flu season again, so most people get a flu shot and strive to stay healthy. But can certain foods or supplements boost the immune system and...

These early signs of lung cancer are often missed, oncologists say

The statistics are grim, but there’s a reason why lung cancer often progresses past the point where it’s treatable: Early signs are often overlooked. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/livewell/these-early-signs-of-lung-cancer-are-often-missed-oncologists-say-3178333/

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