Biggest little walking adventure: Exploring Reno on foot

Putting one foot in front of another is a highly efficient way of getting to know a city. We logged 24,000 steps on our self-guided tour. Original...

Medicare ads underscore America’s anti-aging narrative

The revolution against ageism starts with us — our mindset, actions and unwavering belief in our value as older adults. Original article:

Target this glucose range to prevent diabetes, doctors say

If you are at risk for diabetes, it can be helpful to track your glucose numbers. Endocrinologists explain why this can be beneficial. Original article:

FDA adds new warning to weight loss drugs including Wegovy

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has added a new warning to drugs including Ozempic and Wegovy. Original article:

How changes in income affect your Medicare premiums

Many Americans do not realize that Medicare premiums can go up based on an increase in modified adjusted gross income on your tax return. Original article:

Whether saving universe or Christmas, Chris Evans savors ‘special moments’

“You get to an age where life boils down to what’s simple and amazing at the same time,” the 43-year-old actor and onetime Captain America says. Original...

Savvy Senior: How to know if you’re getting osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, a disease that weakens your bones is also called a silent disease because there are no warning signs until a fracture occurs. Original article:

AP: Nevada passes abortion rights protection measure

Ballot Question 6, which would enshrine protections for abortion in the Nevada Constitution, passed by a wide margin early Wednesday morning, the Associated Press declared. Original article:...

Why watering trees, shrubs deeply is so important

Water deeply enough that trees and shrubs can make it until the next time you are allowed to water. Original article:

Getting right fit, hang for interior door can take work

Unless you have some specialty tools, buy a door that comes pre-bored for the handle and latch. Original article:

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