Kurapia may not be tolerant to extreme desert temperatures
Kurapia was started from the native plant, Lippia nodiflora, native to the tropical and subtropical areas of South America and the United States. That calls into question...
Solar screens on windows reduce heat inside house
Solar screens typically block between 65 percent and 90 percent of the heat entering your home through the windows. They also can help prevent your furniture and...
Don’t blame the vaccines for breakthrough cases, experts say
Many U.S. authorities say the potency of COVID-19 vaccines hasn’t waned, but they make a case for booster shots in some individuals. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/dont-blame-the-vaccines-for-breakthrough-cases-experts-say-2415168/
After Clark County, cities could push vaccine measure on workers
Clark County proposed regular COVID-19 testing for unvaccinated workers. Other local governments are watching. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/after-clark-county-cities-could-push-vaccine-measure-on-workers-2414985/
Remembering Nevadans lost to COVID-19
Thousands have died from COVID-19 in Nevada. Not all of their names have been made public by local and state officials, but the Las Vegas Review-Journal has...
Nevada reaches new milestone in coronavirus-related deaths
Public health officials in Nevada reported 26 new coronavirus-related deaths Friday, pushing the state’s pandemic death toll past 6,000. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/nevada-reaches-new-milestone-in-coronavirus-related-deaths-2414775/
Nevada reports more than 20 COVID deaths for 2nd straight day
Updated data from the Department of Health and Human Services pushed the state’s totals to 362,275 cases and 5,979 deaths. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/nevada-reports-more-than-20-covid-deaths-for-2nd-straight-day-2414063/
Sisolak to provide update on COVID-19 in Nevada
Gov. Steve Sisolak will hold a press conference at 2 p.m. Thursday to provide an update on the status of COVID-19 in Nevada. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/nevada/sisolak-to-provide-update-on-covid-19-in-nevada-2414056/
Be polite in handling negotiations when buying a home
You’re preparing to buy a new home. Whether you’ve already found “the one” and just need to get the deal done or simply want make sure you...
The best way to experience the spectacle of Monument Valley
Guided tours of the famous site take you up close to locations you’ve only seen in the movies. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-columns/deborah-wall/the-best-way-to-experience-the-spectacle-of-monument-valley-2413320/