Cleveland Clinic programs could boost medical tourism in Las Vegas

Cleveland Clinic Nevada said it will offer concierge medicine and executive health services at a new clinical location in the southwest Las Vegas Valley. Original article:

Here are the differences in 2 main classifications of plant disease

It can be confusing to tell the difference between abiotic and biotic diseases just with your eyes. Plant disease symptoms are typically not very specific. Original article:...

Stressed over the presidential election? Here’s how to cope

If the high-stakes presidential race is causing existential dread or rifts with loved ones, there’s no need to white-knuckle through it. Original article:

This group of US women sees dramatic rise in breast cancer rates

Researchers have picked up on this trend and are racing to find out why it is occurring within this ethnically diverse group. Original article:

Why human life expectancy is not likely to grow much more

A new study looked at eight nations where people live the longest, with the U.S. not even ranking in the top 40. Original article:

How the most popular breakfast cereals rank nutritionally

The cereal aisle at the grocery story is lined on both sides with options. But not all of these morning meals are equal. Original article:

This could hold key to better heart health

In a recent study, researchers found a possible link between behavioral and physical health. Original article:

Pair of Vegas headliners laugh off advancing years

Old pals Toni Braxton and Cedric the Entertainer took a break from rehearsals for “Love & Laughter” at The Cosmo to share their good life tips. Original...

Best CPAP alternatives for sleep apnea sufferers

Left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea is linked to daytime sleepiness and an increased risk of anxiety, diabetes, hypertension and stroke. Original article:

Disneyland rolling out exclusive line-skipping pass. Here’s what it costs

Want to skip as many Disneyland attraction lines as possible? And what are you willing to pay for the privilege? Original article:

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