Police: NYC bar owner defying restrictions hits deputy with car
The Staten Island bar was the site of protests last week after the sheriff’s office arrested the owner on charges of violating restrictions. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/nation-and-world/police-nyc-bar-owner-defying-restrictions-hits-deputy-with-car-2206803/
Arizona reports 5,376 new COVID-19 cases, 25 more deaths
The latest numbers push the state’s total to 364,276 cases since the pandemic began with 6,950 known deaths. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/nation-and-world/arizona-reports-5376-new-covid-19-cases-25-more-deaths-2206750/
UK set to launch COVID-19 vaccination plan watched by the world
Around 800,000 doses of the vaccine are expected to be in place for the start of the rollout on Tuesday, a day that British Health Secretary Matt...
Texas, New Mexico resisting interim nuclear waste storage
President Donald Trump and Congress moved this year to develop interim nuclear waste storage sites, a temporary fix until the 30-year stalemate over Yucca Mountain is settled....
Las Vegas filmmakers tell Pearl Harbor story of U.S.S. Arizona Band
A documentary from two Las Vegas filmmakers tells a lesser-known story from the Pearl Harbor attack on Dec. 7, 1941. Original article: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/special-features/las-vegas-filmmakers-tell-pearl-harbor-story-of-u-s-s-arizona-band-2200846/
Millions face cloudy future as US jobless aid nears end
Unemployment has forced aching decisions on millions of Americans and their families in the face of a rampaging viral pandemic that has closed shops and restaurants, paralyzed...
Arizona records 2nd highest COVID rise as hospitals struggle
Arizona health officials’ public messaging took on a blunt tone Saturday as the state reported the second-highest daily increase since the pandemic’s start and the outbreak’s fall...
Utah’s population still growing but births drop
Utah’s population swelled by an estimated 52,820 people during the fiscal year that ended July 1, 2020, as a yearslong economic boom ended and the pandemic and...
Trump promotes own grievances at rally for Georgia senators
President Donald Trump pressed his own grievances over losing the presidential election at a rally Saturday in Georgia, more so than trying to help two Republican Senate...
Long lines create exasperation for those waiting at Nevada DMV
“It is literally impossible for a new resident like myself to get a driver’s license or car registration,” Kerry Welsh said Saturday outside the West Flamingo Road...